The Last Bell of the 2018-2019 academic year has rung!


On May 31, the Last Bell Ceremony for all participants in the educational process of the First City Gymnasia was conducted. Traditionally, it took place in the Friendship of Peoples Palace of Culture. The keynote of this year's celebration was the 25th anniversary of the newspaper 'Gymnasist'. During a quarter of the century the newspaper 'Gymnasist' has become a kind of the chronicle of the greatest achievements of our students, teachers, and alumni. The gymnasia newspaper is one of the oldest printed school publications of the Cherkassy region. The first issue of the newspaper came out of print in 1994. Also during the event, everyone present was able to remember the brightest moments of the 2018-2019 academic year. It really was full of bright celebrations, holidays, competitions, contests, projects, victories and travels. The traditional part included the walk of our leaders, the inauguration of the newly elected president of the gymnasia, the greetings of the elementary and high school alumni, the 4th and 11th grades respectively. Within the 1.5 hours of the event, the participants and guests, who filled the festival hall of the palace up, turned over hundreds of pages of the passing year. 

The performance of the ballet studio, with our high school student Ulyana Buryachynska as the prima, and the original greetings to the 4th-grade students of Yulia Khomenko became some of the most memorable highlights of the evening. Obviously, the most powerful element of the holiday was the presentation of 51 graduate students. During the event, the commander of the 503rd Separate Battalion of the Marine Corps of Ukraine, People's Hero of Ukraine, Knight of the Order of Bogdan Khmelnytsky, Vadim O. Sukharevsky gave the diplomas for the active assistance and public stance to our students and teachers. In their turn, the pupils of the 7th grade presented the marines with their own hand-made dolls.

After the event, the gymnasia principal had a meeting with the honorary commander. The results of the agreements will be announced on September 1, and they are very encouraging.

The festivity was held by our outstanding presenters Julia Pais and Yuri Momot. We wish everyone a warm, gentle summer and great vacations!

The event was conducted for the money raised during the project 'Give the Tree a Ring-2019'.