
On May 28, all the younger and senior gymnasia pupils received another edition of HYMNAZYST, that has the serial number of 74. 32 pages contain a lot of interesting materials. Thus, Valya Kravets, the paper’s chief editor who headed the its editorial board for three years, bids farewell  to the newspaper readers on its pages. Pages 6-7 tell us about the theatrical success of Shytyk Sasha, a third-former,  who played young Symonenko in the year of the poet’s anniversary. Pages 16 and 17 are traditionally devoted to our graduates; there are their photos and personal mottos. Several previous years’ graduates share their experience of their admission to universities abroad on the pages. Thus, Maksym Paliy talks about  his studies at la Sorbonne and life in Paris; Oleksandra Kovalenko dwells on her training in Berlin and the influence of the FCG on her choice (in German); Vladyslav Alfiorov narrates his studying at the university system of  UWS in Armenia. Page 30 contains the names of the winners of II and III stages of subject competitions; there is a successful epilogue of the Dry-Khmara contest, and so on.


The first page contains the photograph, which shows four winners of IV stage of the national subject contests and III stage of MacS; moreover, there is a scanned copy of the Diploma certifying that our newpaper won the contest of school media held in the city of Mykolaiv in April.


We advise you to read our newspaper, it has been done with love and only for you