Проєкт Twinschools активно працює


Однією з участі у Twinschools є те, що під час спільної роботи над проєктом учасники щоразу домовляються, якою буде тема наступної зустрічі. Цього разу це ЗМІ включно з популярними месенджерами і соцмережами. Гімназисти ознайомили присутніх зі статистикою користування та розповіли про історію створення Telegram, Youtube, Facebook, Instagram. Окрему увагу було приділено правилам безпечного користування інтернетом. Domantas, Edgaras, Amanas, Armandas, Lukas та Nojus представили цікавинки про TikTok, Discord, WhatsApp, Snapchat, Reddit. Учасники також обмінялись посиланнями, що містять додаткову інформацію та спробували свої сили в Kahoot (кожна сторона склала список запитань для країни-партнера).

Наші гімназисти поділились враженнями від проекту:

Maksym: Twinschols project is an interesting experience. Our Lithuanian partners are younger, so it’s sometimes hard for them to communicate, but they keep trying and working. Both sides of the project present their own culture which is great for expanding our knowledge and cultural awareness.

Misha: I’ve loved this international programme. We have an opportunity to connect with other people from another country and get to know their culture, traditions, other things about each others’ countries. Our partners are reliable and are interested in the projects as well which makes the project not “one sided”. I have no regrets for having joined it.

Taras:Since we started working with our Lithuanian partners, I discovered a lot about their culture. Considering their traditions, cuisine, mentality and other cultural aspects, we have a lot in common. After each meeting I fall in love with Lithuania deeper and deeper, so I'm thankful to this project and our school for this opportunity.

Nika:I have got good experience with Lithuanian children. It is very interesting to get to know something new about another country. This project has become an impressing interaction between 2 countries. I would like to continue meetings with Lithuanians as long as possible.

Vlad: The Twinschools project is, in my opinion, a good platform to exchange experiences between countries, develop your own English speaking and public presentation skills. The meeting itself consists of several parts: greetings and news exchange, a presentation, a discussion and questions. The most interesting of them is the section of questions, when you can find out the secrets or details of the world, customs or other cultural peculiarities of the Lithuanian youth and tell your own - Ukrainian ones. And that is why it is worth involving more students in this process in order to popularize Ukraine abroad.

Katia:I am very glad that I can take part in such kind of projects. It was also very useful for my knowledge of language, I could improve my communication skills in English. This project helped me to discover a lot of new and interesting facts about Lithuania, its national cuisine, holidays, traditions, etc. Очікуємо на відгук від наших литовських друзів!



Комунікація з учасниками освітнього процесу здійснюється на платформі Ошкола. Для приєднання, зверніться до секретаря директора.


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        • Гімназійне самоврядування вже в Telegram: t.me/fcgweb
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